IQ Assessment and Counseling

How IQ ASSESSMENT will benefit you?

Intelligence is defined by Wechsler as “the capacity to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with the environment.” IQ assessments evaluate the intelligence quotient of the student. Intelligence tests help us understand the range in which the cognitive abilities lie. Determining if a child is gifted or has special needs can give parents a valuable insight into their child’s emotional, academic and social development. IQ tests can be immensely helpful in determining if your child has special needs, any intellectual difficulties or is eligible for higher placement in school. Research has shown that one of the first steps to raising a gifted child is to have him or her take an IQ test along with other forms of testing to determine his or her strengths, weaknesses and abilities.

In today’s crowded educational environment, parents cannot rely solely on their child’s school to determine if their child is gifted or would benefit from being placed in a special academic environment. Parents should take the initiative as early as possible by having their children take an intelligence test.

IQ Assessment is not only for gifted children but also for every child and adult who wants to know his or her present level of intelligence, strengths and weaknesses so that he/she can work upon it and reach their set goal in a planned manner.

IQ Assessments at RMCC:

At RMCC we use the world’s leading IQ tests i.e the WISC-IV (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) for children and adolescents between the age group of 6-16 years. It measures their strengths and areas of improvement in the following areas:

  • Comprehension
  • Memory
  • Reasoning Abilities
  • Vocabulary
  • Speed
  • Decision Making Skills
  • Numerical Skills
  • Concentration
  • Visual Motor Co-ordination

The assessment process involves:

  1. Initial consultation and brief history taking
  2. Conducting the test with the student
  3. Generating the report
  4. Report explanation and a further plan of action

When should you go for an IQ assessment: 

An IQ assessment should be done during the following instances:

  1. 1. If your child is struggling with academics and not performing well in school exams
  2. 2. If the child is excessively distracted and inattentive during classes 
  3. 3. If the child is showing superior signs of intelligence (finds academics not challenging enough)
  4. 4. If your child finds it difficult to concentrate
  5. 5. If your child is slow in writing and gets tired easily while studying which leads to poor academic performance
  6. 6. If your child is finding it difficult to retain information

Points to remember:

  1. 1. It is advised that you sleep well the night before so that you are alert during the test.
  2. 2. Be on time for the test so that you do not face any last-minute stressors and worry about the same. 
  3. 3. Listen to all the instructions given so that you are able to comprehend what is being said and ask questions for clarification if you are unsure. 
  4. 4. You are not required to prepare in any manner for the tests. Just come with a calm mind and do the best that you can.
  5. 5. This is not an exam and you do not pass or fail these tests. It is just to help us understand your areas of strengths and improvement.